Monday, July 21, 2008

gwibber = win

I have just installed gwibber in ubuntu hardy and I have a how-to, its running a little wonky now, but hey its not even release yet.

##how to install gwibber in ubuntu hardy ##

#install simplejson
easy way is to go here : choose a mirror and let it open in Gdebi

#install baazaar
$ sudo apt-get (or aptitude) install bzr

#Checkout the baazaar repo
$ bzr checkout

#Change to the gwibber directory
$ cd gwibber/

#install gwibber
$ sudo python install

#Run gwibber

you can typw gwibber in a terminal or just open it from the menus


Anonymous said...

I used these notes and I have a small correction.
The gwibber directory didn't exist, it was in 'main/gwibber'

Also you can 'sudo apt-get install bzr python-simplejson' to install what you need. I wrote some simple notes more for me then anyone else based on your notes here.

Thanks for the help though :)

Anonymous said...

According to the launchpad site, the recommended checkout command to get the code should be: bzr branch lp:gwibber